And at tables it's all about your average bet combined with time spent playing. A small initial outlay followed by a number of wins recycled through machines can earn you more comps than a long streak of losing way more of your own money. Your overall bankroll for gambling is nowhere near as significant as your 'coin-in' when it comes to comps. The most valid answers that have been posted here are those by Zeromus and goldengreeke. If your play was enough to earn you a comped or casino rate room they should be happy to help. You can always call casino marketing at a property where you've gambled previously. Others send more offers by mail/email which you may or may not get. With programs like CET's Total Rewards you can just log into your account and see what offers you have. Offers to overseas visitors are something of a gray area. It's not going to let you give that comped room to somebody who (as far as they're concerned) may not gamble a penny. The hotel is offering you that room based on your previous history presuming you'll be gambling again. 'Can you give away your comps? For example I will be in Vegas in march gamble maybe 200 per day but being from Australia will I get offers'Īn offer of a comped room is specific to that players card holder who must produce ID when they check-in.